Kelly Lazzara ASMP
Open Class
Individual Somatic Session
Kelly Lazzara ASMP
Open Class
Individual Somatic Session
Liability Waiver
Emergency Contact Name and Relation*
Emergency Contact Phone*
— Participant Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk — I hereby acknowledge that participation in trainings provided by Idealia LLC dba This Is Now involves physical activity and inherent risks, including the risk of physical injury. — Waiver and Release of Liability— In consideration of being allowed to participate in all bookings offered by Idealia LLC dba This Is Now, including those booked through thisisnow.space, thisisnow.simplybook.me, and with any person employed by, or acting as an agent of Idealia LLC., I agree to release and hold harmless Idealia LLC dba This Is Now, its instructors, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, rights of action, or causes of action present or future, arising out of or connected with my participation in the trainings, including any injuries, loss, or damage that might occur, even if arising from the negligence of Idealia LLC dba This Is Now. — Health Declaration — I affirm that I have sought medical advice regarding my fitness to undertake this physical activity and have not been advised otherwise by a health professional. I agree to inform the instructor of any physical limitations or medical conditions that may affect my ability to participate safely in the classes. — Acknowledgment of Understanding — I have read this release of liability waiver and fully understand its terms. I acknowledge that I am signing it freely and voluntarily, and intend by my signature to provide a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.*
I agree to the Release of Liability Waiver
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