Learn how to find and embody movement, postural, and belief patterns that heal the body by accessing the sensory information inside of you.

Somatic Starter Kit

10 Video Lessons
Companion Writing Guide
5 Guided Somatic Trainings
Embodied Breathing Anatomy
Over 2 Hours of Video
Somatic Practices
Sensing can guide us to healing movement patterns, postures, and beliefs about ourselves. We practice sensing compassionately and curiously so we can more fully listen to and leverage the information our bodies are presenting in the here and now.

Anatomical Theory
In addition to practice, we study theoretical information that up the intrigue and appreciation for our bodies and enlist the logical mind as an ally in our sensing and healing process.

Free Course
The Somatic Starter Course is 100% free. I experienced years of chronic pain, repeat injuries, and ungrateful perspective towards my body. Somatic work has given me the skills and mindsets to leverage information that my body is presenting to heal itself.
This is a gift from my teachers, peers, mentors, and the infinite intelligence of your body that's here right now.
- Kelly