Interview with Kelly Lazzara
Kelly shares his experience with somatic practice and his philosophy on the power of perspective and self-development for changing the relationship with pain and the body.
This is PME
Somatic School's training is founded on Dieter Rehberg's somatic method "Physio-Mentale Entwicklung" (PME). Read about the tools, methods, principles, philosophy psychology and history of the holistic sustainable method to promote human health. PDF download.
Nature's Lessons in Healing Trauma: An Introduction to Somatic Experiencing® (SE™)
Peter Levine discusses how body-centered therapy is used for treating people with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Peter describes Polyvagal Theory through the lens of evolutionary biology and how knowledge of the theory can be applied in treatment. The video includes examples of a Somatic Experiencing® treatment.
Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply
Teresa Lewis describes the states in Polyvagal Theory and how a person can move between states based on stimuli in the external environment. Teresa also shares how nervous system coregulation is used to treat people stuck in freeze or fight/flight response.
Job's Body
Possibly the most famous and widely used resource in therapeutic bodywork, this beautifully written, detailed and reader-friendly picture of how and why the body responds to touch is both scientifically reliable and inspiring. Furthering the presentation of recent research in biochemistry, cell biology and energy medicine in the Second Edition, this new and greatly expanded edition includes advances in neurophysiology and physics, reconfiguring knowledge of mind and body, from microgenesis to quantum consciousness. A rare book, required reading for national massage therapy certification, that also serves the general reader.
The Way Out: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain
Alan Gordon, a psychotherapist and the founder of the Pain Psychology Center, shares his own experience in overcoming chronic pain. Frustrated with conventional pain management, he developed Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), a mind-body protocol that eliminated his own chronic pain and has transformed the lives of thousands of his patients. PRT is rooted in neuroscience, which has shown that while chronic pain feels like it's coming from the body, in most cases it's generated by misfiring pain circuits in the brain. PRT is a system of psychological techniques that rewires the brain to break out of the cycle of chronic pain.
The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology
A guide to the transformative power of Buddhist psychology—for meditators and mental health professionals, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.
You have within you unlimited capacities for extraordinary love, for joy, for communion with life, and for unshakable freedom—and here is how to awaken them. In The Wise Heart, celebrated author and psychologist Jack Kornfield offers the most accessible, comprehensive, and illuminating guide to Buddhist psychology ever published in the West. Here is a vision of radiant human dignity, a journey to the highest expression of human possibility—and a practical path for realizing it in our own lives.
BodyStories: A Guide to Experiential Anatomy
BodyStories is a book that engages the general reader as well as the serious student of anatomy. Thirty-one days of learning sessions heighten awareness about each bone and body system and provide self-guided studies. The book draws on Ms. Olsen's thirty years as a dancer and teacher of anatomy to show how our attitudes and approaches to our body affect us day to day. Amusing and insightful personal stories enliven the text and provide ways of working with the body for efficiency and for healing. BodyStories is used as a primary text in college dance departments, massage schools, and yoga training programs internationally.