Individual Somatic Session

The session is both therapeutic and educational. Clients can experience the immediate pleasant affects of self-development through somatic movement as well as acquire skills and knowledge to access self-development on their own.

San Diego Office

Our office in the Hillcrest / Mission Hills area of San Diego is available for in-person appointments.

Book Your Session

Individual Somatic Sessions are approximately 75-minutes and we can meet online or in person in San Diego.

We 100% guarantee your satisfaction for all of our sessions.

Who it's For

Somatic Coaching is for you if you

  • want to explore helpful sensory, emotional, thought, and movement patterns that cultivate growth and healing in your body and mind,

  • want to perceive your body from a place of compassion and curiosity.

  • believe that your body holds wisdom and you want to enter into a dialogue with it.

These sessions are designed to transform your relationship with your body and can be helpful for you if you want to navigate toward feeling physically good and away from chronic pain, learn to handle feelings of anxiety, learn to move more elegantly and gracefully, and more.

How it's Done

The coach listens to the client's words and observes the client's movements mindfully and with compassion to initiate a healing process in both the client and himself.

The tools of the method are touch, movement, language, and awareness of perception.

Self-regulation naturally arises through trust and curiosity in the wisdom of the body; much like how a human baby learns to organize itself physically and mentally. This kind of self-regulation often expresses outwardly as a gentle exploration of movement, postures, breathing, and vocal expression.

After exploring one or multiple cycles of self-organization and self-development, the client verbally shares their experience and their current physical and mental state. This sharing and reflection of the client's experience is aimed at incorporating the prefrontal cortex (PFC) into the process of somatic self-regulation. The PFC is responsible for higher-order cognitive functions such as language, abstraction, logic, imagination, and social cooperation.

Sensation, motor function, and emotion primarily arise from the nervous system and limbic and endocrine systems. These systems developed before the PFC and can self-regulate without help from the PFC. However, if the client is able to create a logical understanding of the healing process by assigning words to the experience, they are more likely to continue a practice of perceiving themselves mindfully and with compassion.

Coaching might also include theoretical education in anatomy, evolutionary biology, physiology, and Buddhist psychology.

The primary method used in this session is PME. Learn more ->